Insurance Claims

When your insurance company fails to meet its duty to its policyholder, you may need to file a bad faith insurance claim.

The bad faith insurance claims attorneys at Amil Minora Law can help when your insurance claim is wrongfully denied. We have helped many people obtain maximum compensation from their insurance companies. After an auto accident, natural disaster, or medical emergency, you expect your insurance company to make good on the terms of the policy you have paid into. However, insurance companies sometimes play hardball with claimants—knowingly refusing to pay legitimate claims, requiring unnecessary steps or delay, or insisting upon unreasonable documentation or other requirements before paying out. Delayed and denied insurance claims are breach of contract—and they cost you money.

If this has happened to you, your insurance company may have acted in bad faith.


“If I believe it will strengthen our position in the courtroom, I will I call in other attorneys to work with me in tandem.”

Attorney Amil Minora

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If you have any questions, or if you would like to speak with Attorney Amil Minora if you’ve been injured in an accident-whether a car accident, tractor trailer accident, a work-related accident or accident from a product or other legal issue and want compensation for your injuries, please do not hesitate to contact our office today at 570-961-1616 or if you prefer, please fill out the form below, and Attorney Amil Minora will be in touch with you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!

Amil Minora Law Website Contact Submission Form

If You Have Any Question,
Feel Free to Call 570-961-1616

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