Latest Updates on the Roundup Pesticide Lawsuits


In recent years, the Roundup pesticide lawn care case has garnered significant attention, sparking legal battles and raising concerns about the safety of commonly used herbicides. It’s one of the most extensive mass tort cases in history. Thousands of individuals alleging that Monsanto’s (now Bayer’s) weedkiller Roundup caused their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). The latest updates on the Roundup pesticide lawsuits are truly interesting to see play out. 

Let’s rewind to the beginning

The initial lawsuit against Monsanto focused on Dewayne Johnson, a groundskeeper who used Roundup extensively. Tragically, Johnson was diagnosed with terminal cancer. His lawsuit, filed in 2016, claimed that Monsanto failed to adequately warn consumers about the potential link between Roundup and NHL.

Here’s the crux: the key ingredient in Roundup is glyphosate. Glyphosate is a widely used herbicide that controls weeds in agricultural, residential, and commercial settings. However, its safety has been the subject of intense debate and litigation.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization, classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. However, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains that glyphosate is safe when following label directions. This conflicting scientific evidence is a significant point of contention in the Roundup lawsuits.

The Johnson case set the stage for countless others

The Roundup pesticide lawn care case gained traction when numerous individuals, including gardeners, landscapers, and agricultural workers, claimed that exposure to glyphosate had caused them to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and other forms of cancer.

As of March 2024, Monsanto has reached settlement agreements in nearly 100,000 Roundup lawsuits. Monsanto paid approximately $11 billion. Bayer has accomplished this by negotiating block settlement arrangements with plaintiffs’ lawyers and by settling with plaintiffs before trial.

Although these settlements account for nearly two-thirds of all Roundup claims, Monsanto estimates 54,000 active Roundup lawsuits remain. Most of these cases are filed in state court. 

Mounting victories for the plaintiffs

State-Level Settlement:

Juries are increasingly siding with plaintiffs. In just the first few months of 2024, courts awarded individuals with verdicts totaling billions of dollars who claim Roundup caused their cancer. 

These include a $250 million compensatory damages and a $2 billion punitive damages verdict in Philadelphia, and a $332 million verdict in San Diego.

Settlement Offers: While Bayer maintains a strong public defense, it has also offered settlements to resolve some cases. In 2020, Bayer agreed to pay $10.9 billion to settle nearly 100,000 claims.

·Open Legal Questions: Several key legal questions remain. Will the EPA’s position on glyphosate’s safety hold up in court? How will the courts handle the issue of exposure levels? The ongoing appeals process will decide these questions.

What this means to you

The Roundup pesticide lawn care case poignantly reminds us of the potential dangers associated with seemingly innocuous products and the importance of holding corporations accountable for the harm caused by their negligence. 

If you or someone you know developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after using Roundup, it’s crucial to speak with a personal injury lawyer experienced in mass tort litigation. These lawyers understand the complexities of the Roundup case and can help you determine if you have a claim. Clients affected by Roundup exposure require a nuanced understanding of toxic tort law, scientific evidence, and complex litigation procedures.

The road ahead

The Roundup saga is far from over. The latest updates on the Roundup pesticide lawsuits have seen significant verdict wins for plaintiffs. The appeals process and potential for a larger settlement mean there will likely be developments for years. As the legal saga unfolds, one thing remains clear: the fight for accountability and compensation for victims of Roundup-related illnesses is far from over. Consequently, if you believe that you or someone you love has been adversely affected by Roundup. State laws and statutes of limitations play a significant role in determining eligibility for filing a claim. Time may be of the essence. Contact Amil Minora to help you.determine the best path forward.

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